R. F. Chapman Graduate Student Prize
for Research in Insect Science
Reg Chapman (1930-2003) was an eminent insect physiologist who influenced our subject for many decades. He was a devoted teacher and researcher with perhaps his most famous publication, The Insects: Structure and Function, being the standard text in this field since its first edition was published 50 years ago. His contributions to the scientific literature are many, wide-ranging, and erudite. Reg was well known to many, if not all, of the readers of Physiological Entomology. He was an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society and served with distinction as Director of this University's Center for Insect Science. The purpose of the R.F. Chapman Graduate Student Prize for Research in Insect Science is to reward outstanding research accomplishments in any area of insect science.
For excellence in research in any area of insect science.
Graduate students pursuing either a M.S. or Ph.D. in any department at the University of Arizona whose research is directly related to insects. This is a competitive award and students in the early stages of their research are particularly encouraged to apply this year. In addition, students who received funding in the past may reapply as should students who applied but did not receive funding.
The R.F. Chapman Prize is awarded as funding becomes available.
Applications must include the following:
- Name of applicant.
- Home department
- Campus mailing address, phone number, and email address.
- Name of advisor.
- Three letters of support, one from advisor.
- C.V.
- A two-page essay outlining research accomplishments and/or plans.
- Optional: Copies of any published articles or abstracts in which applicant is sole or c-author
Application deadline:
The deadline for applications for 2020 is Tuesday, March 31 at 9:00am.
Please send the original application as an email attachment to Teresa Kudrna at tkudrna@email.arizona.edu. Signed letters of recommendation may be sent by email attachment.